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Sample research paper on the topic “Employee Assistance Programs in Police Organizations.”
…Providing psychological services to police organizations is a relatively new phenomenon. How best to provide those services to police organizations is the challenge. Professionals in the field have learned through their work some of what does and does not work in an evolving area of mental health work. As the base of experience grows, it becomes increasingly clear that no one psychological services program can provide for all of the diverse psychological needs of these organizations. The role of the EAP should ultimately be to provide services to those who seek counseling assistance and to provide training and consultation to encourage police personnel to seek assistance. EAPs contracted with community mental health centers offer services free of role conflict and can work with department-employed or contracted mental health professionals to provide a range of services in areas such as hiring processes, fitness for duty evaluation, test validation, and forensic psychology. Whereas a wide range of services might be beyond the scope of any one of these mental health options, together they can serve the mental health needs of a diverse police community…
Sample research paper on the topic “Law Enforcement Families”:
…For some peace officers, pursuing a career in law enforcement can have a potentially negative impact on the individual officer as well as his or her family. Job factors may negatively impact the peace officer directly, resulting in stress that may then be brought home to the family. These same job factors may also have a second, indirect influence in that they may encourage the peace officer to develop various coping mechanisms and adoptions to the job that have the potential to negatively impact family relationships. In addition, job stressors can also negatively impact law enforcement spouses and children directly. In such a case, the entire family begins to pay a toll in terms of marital discord, divorce, and strained or distant parent-child relationships. The cycle can then run full circle, with home problems potentially causing emotional and physical distress in the peace officer, which in turn may result in poor work performance, increased absenteeism, and even increased risk for incidents of excessive force. Each law enforcement agency has a responsibility to recognize the negative impact a career in law enforcement may bring to bear on family members and an obligation to provide assistance…
Sample of research papers on the topic “Using Hypnosis for Investigative Purposes”:
…The use of hypnosis for investigative purposes is modestly holding up to the test of time. The initial zeal with which it was applied gave way to theoretically based controls that have been adopted by some courts, in spite of any evidence that guidelines alone really safeguard memory. Cases in the federal arena have developed a growing set of precedents in which the Federal Model was helpful to the investigation and was supportable in the courtroom. Federal agencies have enjoyed about a 12% rate of success, with hypnosis. This means that about one case in eight is materially enhanced, as demonstrated by corroborated results. In these cases the investigation was able to proceed, sometimes to only conclude with later, nonhypnotic barriers. However, that 12% is a measure of hope, and a serious consideration for cases that are stalemated and unable to continue. Certainly hypnosis is not appropriate in many cases, and even when it is, there is only a very modest possibility that it will help. Just the same, hypnosis is well demonstrated as a potentially valuable tool for law enforcement. Whether it aids or confuses an investigation will depend on whether it is used in a fashion that respects the limits of hypnosis, investigative capability, and the reality of the court…
Sample term paper on the topic “Building the City of Man.”
…The sane response is synthesis. Man must be himself, and for himself, in the fullness of his being. The nature that he strives to obey must be his own nature, as a child of eternal being who has, all the same, reached the age of self-determination, and becomes in his life the cosmos made conscious. Among the creatures of this earth, man alone is a reasoning, caring, planning, choosing, loving entity. He cannot disavow the sources of his being, nor can he disavow his uniqueness. His ground in all reality is the older truth; yet it is false, or at best incomplete, without the younger truth, that nature has liberated him to shape himself, and that his freedom forces him to act. Toward nature, then, man must be reverent as to a father of ripe years, and to his father's house and fields, and to all the surrounding warmth in which he grows to manhood. He must conserve his inheritance, but he must use it in wisdom for himself and his posterity…
Research paper sample on the topic “The Planetary Interest and the Regional Interest”
…In a world of nation-states, the basic difference between national and planetary interests on the one hand, and regional interests on the other, is that with the latter the definition of the interests comes first. It is they, a set of interests shared by a certain number of nations lying more or less in geographical proximity that define a region. Which interests, then, define the EU as a region?
The first and foremost, especially when seen in an historical perspective, is peace. In the first half of the twentieth century, the continent had experienced two devastating wars. Responsible statesmen felt, correctly, that peace was an absolute precondition for the reconstruction and development of their nations. One way to achieve peace, it was judged, was to pool the resources that were then at the roots of the industrialized economies. Thus, in 1951 the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and, six years later, Euratom and the European Economic Community (EEC) were created. The latter established a customs union and also the basis for a common trade policy. Although the relevant treaties remained well within the boundaries of the economic sphere, those responsible statesmen recalled above saw more in them than mere economic co-operation. As Jean Monnet, one of the true statesmen of the century put it: “the first, indispensable principle of (the European Coal and Steel Community) is the renunciation of national sovereignty in a limited but decisive field”. And German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer declared to the Bundestag in June 1950 that “the importance of the project is mainly political, not economic”…