Term Paper Bibliography


Term Paper Bibliography = A Reference List?

A term paper bibliography has another definition “a reference list”. You should remember that a term paper bibliography is for all sources, which you have used in the process of information collecting.

However, if you have used some citations or data from the certain sources in your term paper text, you need to specify them in a reference list and format usage of citations in the text and the stated sources in the list according to the rules of format in what you need to write. Your instructor may ask you to include this list of found sources into a term paper.

A Term Paper Bibliography Formation

The format and structure of a term paper bibliography should be according to the basic rules too. Sometimes students do not know about them, thus, we have prepared some notes upon this point.

You are welcome to use them and imply in your term paper, if you prefer to write it independently.

Guide On A Term Paper Bibliography

  • Depending on the style you have for writing your term paper, the format of references may be different, therefore, you need to look in a manual of the style you use (MLA, APA, Chicago, Turabian, Harvard or others). Use O'Kelly Library to know more about format of your style.
  • Whenever you receive an assignment to write a term paper, you need to know what exact types of sources you may include into a term paper bibliography.
  • All sources should be in alphabetical order (one should take into account authors’ names on the first place). A term paper bibliography may contain Internet sites, magazines, journals, books, articles, audio-video materials, newspapers, etc. In addition, you should state in a term paper bibliography, what footnotes or endnotes you have used.
  • Parentheses show your readers, where you have found information you cite.
  • Sometimes your instructor asks you not to use Websites. Therefore, if you have found an electronic book, try to specify its publication information, not a site where you have found it.
  • You instructor might give you sources of information; however, it does not mean that you do not need to specify them in your term paper bibliography. Be attentive while receiving an assignment. Moreover, do not be shy to ask once more, if you do not understand something.
  • Follow rules, when you have more than one author, as the order of formation is another.
  • Using names off websites, you should give an address line.
  • If you use paper sources, you need to know number of pages, name of an author, volume and year of publication.

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