MLA Format Research Paper


MLA Format Research Paper

Do you know that a student writing a MLA format research paper spends 50% of time on formatting it? Indeed, it is amazing how long it takes to do the job properly. However, the scariest thing is that they need to know a lot about a MLA format research paper to format everything right.

For example, do you know about 12-font size use, 8 ½-by-11 inch white paper for writing, one inch margins at the top, bottom, set-off quotations one inch from the left margin, double-space, your name before your teacher’s name on the title page, Roman numerals use, tables and diagrams formation, reference list structure and other things concerning a MLA format research paper? If you are a layperson in formatting a MLA format research paper, you are in the best place to learn more about MLA format paper.

Guidelines on MLA Format Research Paper

As you know, MLA format research paper is a common written assignment for college students. Manual Language Association gives many standard rules for paper formatting; however, it takes eternity to find a proper point that describes how to format materials being cited. The following points will make your vision of MLA style clearer:

  • A title page and a table of contents are not required for MLA format research paper.
  • Black Adder and Brush Script are appropriate fonts for MLA format research paper.
  • Authors of books should be in an alphabetic order in the reference list.
  • You should double space your MLA format research paper and make a 12pt font size to make reading easier.
  • As for margins, use 1 inch on all sides.

Know Some Abbreviations for MLA Format Research Paper

  • June, July, May have no abbreviation forms, other months of year have (Aug., Apr., etc.)
  • anon.- anonymous
  • dir.- director
  • eg.- for example
  • i.e.- that is

If Something Is Wrong With Your MLA Format Research Paper

You should spend a lot of efforts and time to get new ideas and original facts to support your arguments and options. Therefore, your research paper should include quotations, paraphrases, and other evidences of thorough research. Do not forget about the essential rule of MLA format research paper writing: all sources cited in paper must be also referenced at the end of the paper on the final page!

If you are looking for some help with MLA format research paper writing or editing, you may turn to our custom research paper writing service and get your paper formatted for free!

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